Tuesday, September 1, 2009

7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

I decided that I can't continue with the Pros and Cons about the first day of school. I've spent all day agonizing day over what to write today and I realized it all boils down into one...

Con: I hate when things change.

Pro: Eventually I'll get used to everything being different. And, at the very worst, I'll have plenty of time to seek professional counseling to help me get through it.

What I Did on my Summer Vacation

My latest MV Parent article came out today. This month, I hired a co-writer to help me out. Luckily she's a good writer with a good sense of humor and the only difficulty of working with her was that she was overly concerned about hurting someone's feelings. Still, I would definitely hire her again.

You can read the finished product at http://www.mvparentonline.com/articles.php.