Thursday, April 17, 2014

Would You Read This Book?

I took my kids to the school playground today and ran into a group of friends who read my Facebook post about my time at the Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop. Although they pretended to be interested in the conference, they really wanted to know more about my book.

I don't know when it will be done but I'm at least halfway through writing it and then there's the editing and revising, which can be arduous for a perfectionist like myself.

Until then, I thought I'd tease you with the book pitch I planned to deliver at the Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop...

Liz Bishop is a small town New Jersey mom who is losing her patience with a hive of gadflies who insist on interrupting her peaceful life.
When her boss Penelope suggests their children's museum host a controversial photography exhibit, Liz hides in her office with a can of Coke and a bag of M&Ms rather than stand up for what seems like common sense.
The new woman in town lets her four brats run wild. It's no surprise she brings a thermos of wine to the town pool, but how how does Liz get stuck making sure she follows the rules?
Then, there's Tracey. Her perfect angels think SpongeBob is a cleaning implement. Meanwhile, Liz's 12-year-old daughter has mood swings so strong they could power a pendulum.
Liz is exasperated and now her husband and children are annoyed, too. She's caught up in everyone else's drama and not what's happening at home. When the town council threatens to close the pool, Liz gets her priorities in order, turns her charms on the mayor, and the waves are calmed.
Have you ever rolled your eyes so often you were worried they would stick that way? Meet Liz Bishop. She's figured out that looking straight ahead is a better way to see the world. 

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