Saturday, December 19, 2009

Best of 2009

I started to write a piece for MV Parent with a list of the "Best of 2009." I ended up taking the story in another direction but I couldn't abandon this part. Thought I would share it here.

Best Doctor’s Waiting Room 2009

There is no shortage of entertainment at Dr. X’s office, one of our children’s doctors. Since we are often forced to wait up to two hours to see the great Dr. X, we have plenty of time to amuse ourselves in the sparse waiting room. Our favorite thing is the collection of faded, water-stained, handwritten signs that are posted near the receptionist's desk.

One of our personal favorites is:

Dr. X likes to spend an unlimited amount of time with each of his patients, including you. If you think your

wait is too long, you may find another doctor.

Another sign nearly takes the prize:

Barb is in charge of billing and sends out invoices every Thursday. If you do not pay your bill, Barb will

send your name to collections and you will have to find another doctor.

I have never met Barb face to face. I am assuming she lives in the dungeon where they store the complaint letters from unhappy patients. Unfortunately, Dr. X is worth the wait. He does spend an unlimited amount of time with us and we've been timely with our bills. You'd think that only if they got their act together enough not to double-book appointments and tick off their patients, they could earn enough money to purchase a computer, a printer, and a word processing program to make their signs.