Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Henry used to have a hard time saying the word "interesting" and his mispronunciation has stuck with me. So, I now present you with:

Ten Inn-ser-ess-in Facts About Our Trip to Niagara Falls

1. While sitting outside eating ice cream, we not only heard a Celine Dion song but also a Sarah McLachlan tune! Those Canadians love their musicians.

2. The sign by the hotel pool said it was 1 meter deep. We jumped in and hoped for the best...turns out the water was never above Henry's chin.

3. Canadian restaurants are both compassionate and accomodating when it comes to food allergies. They made me slightly afraid of going back to our favorite restaurants at home.

4. We ran into some friends from Clinton while we were there, which isn't that strange unless you consider that it's the same family we ran into when we were on Cape Cod last summer. We figure that if we ever had enough money for a vacation home, they'd probably end up as our next door neighbors.

5. My wonderful husband got so flustered by the Border Patrol that he told them that our reason for visiting Canada was for "a holiday." I think he thought we were entering England.

6. While waiting in line for an attraction to open, we witnessed a fellow tourist videotaping everything around her, including a 5 minute segment of the employee wiping rain off of a turnstile.

7. Elizabeth was terrified when she saw a simulation of a dummy (complete with a sack over his head) being electrocuted in an electric chair at the Guinness World Records Museum.

8. This was the first time the kids stayed in a hotel. I woke up at about 3 AM one night to find that Henry got out of his bed, climbed into mine, and fell back asleep clutching my knees.

9. The kids and I were mesmerized by an Anne of Green Gables animated TV show on Canadian Public Television. There were frequent mutterings of "this is weird..."

10. We were so confused by the way things were priced. They were either completely overpriced for the tourists and/or priced in Canadian dollars that we were seriously left wondering if paying $9 for 4 AA batteries was reasonable.

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